Have a story or creative work you want to share?
Next GenerAsian features all writing and creative submissions from any youth who identifies as Asian. There is no limit to what your submission can be about - it can be an experience you want to share, advice for other Asian youth, or pieces of artwork that represents your identity.
Our submissions are split into three categories. Please determine which category your submission falls under, follow the instructions, and email final submissions to
1. Story submissions - A personal recount of your experience(s)
Your full name
Title of your work
A short bio about yourself written in the first person
Instagram handle for us to tag you at! (optional)
Submit your story through Google Docs and include the link to the doc in your email. Ensure you have given viewing permissions.
Include a picture of yourself in your email for us to use as the cover image (optional, but recommended)
2. Writing Submissions - Poetry/Prose, Op-Ed, etc.
Your full name
Title of your work
A short bio about yourself written in the first person
Instagram handle for us to tag you at! (optional)
Submit your story through Google Drive and include the link in your email. Ensure you have given viewing permissions.
3. Art Submissions - Artwork, Photography, Videos, etc.
Your full name
Title of your work
A short bio about yourself written in the first person
Description of your work
Instagram handle for us to tag you at! (optional)
Attach files of your work. If you are submitting through Google Drive or Docs, ensure you have given viewing permissions.
We will contact you regarding your submission as soon as possible!